May 2021 Show and Tell
See notes from the artists below about various pieces included in this month’s Show and Tell.
Jay Walter- “probably the tallest vessel I’ve ever turned at 15” with 233 pieces. Wood is Mahogany, Red Oak, Walnut and the finial is dyed Cherry."
Mike Moore- "First two pictures are of a Cherry cheese and cracker / chip and dip bowl. Third picture is of a Cherry bowl with a crack patched with Brass / epoxy and a biscuit. Fourth picture is of Ambrosia Maple. All three bowls were turned still wet.
Chuck Koyanagi- Photo #1...8” birds eye maple, Photo #2...11” spalted red maple
Marvin Elgin-Oil lamp out of cedar, one salt mill and a peppermill out of purpleheart and hard maple.
Jack Lauderdale- The English Walnut turns and sands very nicely. More grain shows than Black Walnut. The Mimosa bowl has a Black Walnut band. The Mimosa seems somewhat harder than the Black Walnut and does not sand easily. The Satinwood turns and sands easily. Nice grain, but fairly subtle.
Mike Preston-Maple Bowl with embellishment at the rim, Easter Eggs, Flame Box Elder Bowl, Tulips in a Bud Vase, Cherry Plate
Chuck Bates- three recent turned items: apple, plum and magnolia, all from local Virginia trees.