The annual SMLW club dues are $25. This gives the member and the member’s immediate household family members the right to attend all club functions and events. Members also receive a 10% discount on purchases at the Woodcraft Supply Store in Roanoke, VA. Associate membership in Roanoke’s Blue Ridge Woodturners Club can be purchased for an additional $10.

Please make your check payable to SML Woodturners.

New members please add $9.00 for the one-time purchase of a name tag. Please make sure your application shows your name as you want it to appear on your name tag. Bring to next meeting, or contact our treasurer below for mailing instructions.

Jay Walter, Treasurer
(540) 493-9463



Smith Mountain Lake Woodturners is a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW).

The American Association of Woodturners (AAW) is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of woodturning. The AAW mission is to provide education, information, and organization to those interested in turning wood. Membership in the AAW is optional, but strongly recommended.

Benefits include six issues of the American Woodturner which is packed with a wide array of articles focusing on everything from basic woodturning techniques and special projects, to innovative design ideas. AAW membership includes many other benefits that include a resource directory and health insurance at excellent group rates.