August 2020 Show and Tell
Chuck Koyanagi spalted holly box.
Chuck Koyanagi spalted holly box.
Clinton Scudder ash stained inside with white vinegar.
Clinton Scudder White oak burl bowl.
Clinton Scudder White oak burl bowl inside view.
Dan Holdgreve’s Three Wise men and happy mushrooms
Dan Holdgreve- Blockheads
Don Riggs sycamore bowls.
Don Riggs curly maple bowl
Don Riggs sycamore bowl.
Eva Jo Wu ambrisia maple salad bowl.
Eva Jo Wu mabrosia maple salad bowl side view.
Ken Salley-geese printed on Baltic Birch.
Margin Elgin maple bowl.
Marvin Elgin maple bowl-epoxy filled bark inclusion.
Marvin Elgin mesquite pizza cutter and spatula.
Mike Moore Colorwood pizza cutter and server.
Mike Moore Colorwood stylus.
Mike Moore maple and cherry Navy ornament.
Mike Moore Maple and walnut Army ornament.
Mitch Holt lasered on black mable.
Tom Chester cherry lidded box.
Tom Chester cherry lidded box alternate view.
Tom Chester turner emerging cherry bowl - no carving.
Willie Simmons Segmented shallow bowl.
Willie Simmons spalted bowl.
Vern Danielsen Brown Laminated Pepper Mill.
Vern Danielsen Maple Pepper Mill and Salt Mill.
Vern DanielsenBlue and Red Color Wood Pepper Mill and Salt Shaker.